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The Whinge Is Strong With This One


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Good evening my pombo's.


So this is yet another one of my curiosity, pointless, random crap posts but hey, whats a girl gotta do at 3am and husbands snoring? My 2nd option was eat but I'm waiting of my toast popping. ;)


I was reading up on a post my friend tagged me on FB (20 scary reasons why you shouldn't move to Oz) yadda yadda....sharks, snakes, scary spiders who eat your children, yum yum yum ...... blah blah blah


I see this pom make an innocent post about everyone in OZ, something to do with flip flops......then it was like DING DING DING, FIGHT! Everyone coming out of the woodwork to have a go saying us poms are *insert any swear you want* and all we do is whinge.


I'll be the first buggar to admit I had a whinge after arriving but now stuff is settling down, i hardly whinge. Apart from to the husband. But he's an arse and deserves it. Especially when he leaves chocolate bars on top of the shower head....thinks just because I'm shorter, i can see the damn kit kat in the mirror!! .....WTF is he doing EATING in the shower anyways???? Who eats in the shower??? What a mong....




Is it possible to move away from that stereotype or should we just admit it, that if we do have proud british blood, pumping through our british veins, that we are IN FACT whingy bastards and flaunt it?

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You see for me @Huntersmummy there is a subtle but very important difference between a consistent moaner and someone who likes to occasionally have a good old whinge, put the world to rights, and then shrug their shoulders and get on with it anyway.


And while I would normally shy away from stereotypes I am reminded of garden fence natters, and cup of tea moans where all the little niggles are trotted out, chewed over and put away with a “but hey, mustn’t grumble”. However, I totally understand that other nationalities do not get the banter and camaraderie that supports a good whinge. It’s a secret we keep well. :wink: Tx

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Is it possible to move away from that stereotype or should we just admit it, that if we do have proud british blood, pumping through our british veins, that we are IN FACT whingy bastards and flaunt it?


Considering that you're living in one of the hardest places in Australia, it's amazing how little whinging you do - so no!

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I find what we poms do spectacularly well is whinge about the weather! Had a particularly cold start to Spring here in South Australia and you'd think the world had come to an end! "I didn't move here to be cold", "It's the same temperature as in England" etc etc etc. Just waiting for our first 40 degree day to hear the "Oh, it's too hot", "My air conditioning costs so much" etc etc! Now admittedly yesterday my fingers were so blue I could hardly get my bottle of shiraz open, but even so....

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Considering that you're living in one of the hardest places in Australia, it's amazing how little whinging you do - so no!


What she said. If I were living in Darwin I'd be non stop whinging - and I was born in Oz. :wink:

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Apart from to the husband. But he's an arse and deserves it. Especially when he leaves chocolate bars on top of the shower head....thinks just because I'm shorter, i can see the damn kit kat in the mirror!! .....WTF is he doing EATING in the shower anyways???? Who eats in the shower??? What a mong....



:laugh::laugh: I think you have a future in stand up comedy, HM.

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I was up at 5am due to wife's snoring but I went and microwaved a plate full of leftover dim sims, potato cakes and chips and sat watching a crap TV reality show about Cyndi Lauper and her family (why?). Mate was diagnosed with 3 tumours yesterday - he's a heavy smoker like me - so today I'm off the smokes and eating a stick of celery every time I think about having a smoke. I've had six celery sticks already and I don't like. After nearly 50 years of smoking the damage probably has already been done - daughter says if I give up she will put me into training to do a half marathon - I've never done any exercise in my life - my joints are so stiff it takes me 5 minutes to get moving in the mornings. And what about Melbourne's endless winter - I always warn people don't come Melbourne if you expect the good Aussie weather experience. 9 months of winter, 3 months of good weather if you're lucky. Anyway, must stop moaning and have another celery stick.

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I was up at 5am due to wife's snoring but I went and microwaved a plate full of leftover dim sims, potato cakes and chips and sat watching a crap TV reality show about Cyndi Lauper and her family (why?). Mate was diagnosed with 3 tumours yesterday - he's a heavy smoker like me - so today I'm off the smokes and eating a stick of celery every time I think about having a smoke. I've had six celery sticks already and I don't like. After nearly 50 years of smoking the damage probably has already been done - daughter says if I give up she will put me into training to do a half marathon - I've never done any exercise in my life - my joints are so stiff it takes me 5 minutes to get moving in the mornings. And what about Melbourne's endless winter - I always warn people don't come Melbourne if you expect the good Aussie weather experience. 9 months of winter, 3 months of good weather if you're lucky. Anyway, must stop moaning and have another celery stick.


Sorry to hear about your mate and good luck with coming off the smokes

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After nearly 50 years of smoking the damage probably has already been done - daughter says if I give up she will put me into training to do a half marathon - I've never done any exercise in my life - my joints are so stiff it takes me 5 minutes to get moving in the mornings. And what about Melbourne's endless winter - I always warn people don't come Melbourne if you expect the good Aussie weather experience. 9 months of winter, 3 months of good weather if you're lucky. Anyway, must stop moaning and have another celery stick.


My dad gave up smoking (a pipe) at the age of 70 and lived to 94. (He decided he'd given the government enough extra money by way of tobacco tax and wasn't going to give them anymore.)


Mind you, he did play the bagpipes most of his life (and the flute and trumpet) so maybe his lungs were given regular extra helpful reamings.


If your joints are so stiff, get into a heated pool - even a special hydrotherapy pool if necessary - and get them moving again with non weight bearing exercise. If you start moving and exercising and get your circulation going, you are not going to feel Melbourne winters nearly as much.

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I find what we poms do spectacularly well is whinge about the weather! Had a particularly cold start to Spring here in South Australia and you'd think the world had come to an end! "I didn't move here to be cold", "It's the same temperature as in England" etc etc etc. Just waiting for our first 40 degree day to hear the "Oh, it's too hot", "My air conditioning costs so much" etc etc! Now admittedly yesterday my fingers were so blue I could hardly get my bottle of shiraz open, but even so....


So true. When I lived in England I reckon 90% of my whinges were about the bloody weather. Now in Queensland I have no complaints whatever as it suits me here perfectly. Funnily enough I hear my (Australian) golfing buddies whinging about pretty much everything from politics to prices and even the weather sometimes. For me at least emigrating has given me a much better perspective on things. I had a good life in England and I knew it too, yet it didn't stop me whinging about mostly minor stuff. I suspect I may end up doing the same here once my 'honeymoon' period has ended.

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My dad gave up smoking (a pipe) at the age of 70 and lived to 94. (He decided he'd given the government enough extra money by way of tobacco tax and wasn't going to give them anymore.)


Mind you, he did play the bagpipes most of his life (and the flute and trumpet) so maybe his lungs were given regular extra helpful reamings.


If your joints are so stiff, get into a heated pool - even a special hydrotherapy pool if necessary - and get them moving again with non weight bearing exercise. If you start moving and exercising and get your circulation going, you are not going to feel Melbourne winters nearly as much.

Well done for your dad. My smokes are $33 a pack now and most of that would be tax. I know heat is good for my joints - on my annual two weeks in Port Douglas I feel so much better. I also need to lose about 20kg - my joints would love that. One thing I did learn from watching the Cyndi Lauper Show was that she carries balloons with her which she blows up to exercise her lungs - so I guess the bagpipes would do the same thing.

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Hahaha the husband would disagree about my lack of whinging but darwin is deffo "take it as it is and make the best of what ya got" place! Although thinking about it, me and you in a room for 10 minutes, I could imagine your hands slowly feeling for my throat ;)



Considering that you're living in one of the hardest places in Australia, it's amazing how little whinging you do - so no!
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You couldn't get the wine open? I hope you called the police to come help ;)


I find what we poms do spectacularly well is whinge about the weather! Had a particularly cold start to Spring here in South Australia and you'd think the world had come to an end! "I didn't move here to be cold", "It's the same temperature as in England" etc etc etc. Just waiting for our first 40 degree day to hear the "Oh, it's too hot", "My air conditioning costs so much" etc etc! Now admittedly yesterday my fingers were so blue I could hardly get my bottle of shiraz open, but even so....
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Ive found myself today asking customers at work (the local rednecks who don't mind a bit of sweary banter) A few of them have noted we come over here and whinge its not the UK!


"It's too hot"

"It's too dusty"

"It's too Australian" !!!!!


Duh....but when you tell aussies what council tax, tv license, road tax, bedroom tax, scratching your arse tax.....they understand a little better! :D


Its like I've never, ever, not one single time after all the times of letting someone go in front of me whilst driving or reversing out a spot, never just says thanks. Little hand thanks gesture. Whinge-ometor goes bat **** crazy then.

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So true. When I lived in England I reckon 90% of my whinges were about the bloody weather. Now in Queensland I have no complaints whatever as it suits me here perfectly. Funnily enough I hear my (Australian) golfing buddies whinging about pretty much everything from politics to prices and even the weather sometimes. For me at least emigrating has given me a much better perspective on things. I had a good life in England and I knew it too, yet it didn't stop me whinging about mostly minor stuff. I suspect I may end up doing the same here once my 'honeymoon' period has ended.

Most of my whinges are about the weather too.



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I whinged at the husband for little nothings at the weekend, then my daughter came home from the stables where she keeps her horse to tell me that the son of the lady who runs the place had died of a brain tumour on Saturday morning. He was 26. His brother died 2 years ago. Puts things in perspective. If anyone is having a drink later please raise your glass and toast Jake. So very sad.

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The worst situation, happens the world over, is when you get expats together... Whether it's Aussies huddled around a BBQ in London or Brits in Perth, a group of expats together will bitch like no tomorrow. It's different, things aren't the same, so of course those discussions start.

Having lived in a few countries before moving to Oz, we made a pact to avoid Brits and Filipinos (my wifes nationality) in our social group where sensible to do so, and haven't found a great deal to whinge about as we love it here. But of course if I pushed by an expat, I would probably suddenly find a million things...

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